- X. Gutiérrez de la Cal,
M. Alkhateeb, M. Pons, A. Matzkin,
D. Sokolovski,
Quantum statistical effects in one-particle
densities: scattering and pair production
- Abstract/PDF (Preprint)
- M. Alkhateeb, X. Gutierrez
de la Cal, M. Pons, D. Sokolovski, A.
Relativistic quantum field theory approach to
electron wave-packet tunneling: A fully causal process, Phys. Rev. A 111, 012222, 2025.
- Journal
- J. Allam and A. Matzkin,
Are Unitary Accounts of Quantum Measurements in
Relativistic Wigner’s Friend Setups Compatible in
Different Reference Frames? Metrology 4, 364, 2024.
- Journal
Abstract/Open Access PDF
- M. Alkhateeb and
A. Matzkin,
Evolution of strictly localized states in
non-interacting quantum field theories with background
fields, Physical Review A 109 062223, 2024.
- Journal
Abstract Abstract/PDF (Preprint)
- F. Daem
and A. Matzkin,
Dynamics, locality and weak measurements:
trajectories and which-way information in the case of
a simplified double-slit setup, Quantum
Stud.: Math. Found. 11, 567, 2024.
- Journal
Abstract Abstract/PDF (Preprint)
- S. N. Sahoo, S.
Chakraborti, S. Kanjilal, S. R. Behera, D. Home, A.
Matzkin, and U. Sinha, Unambiguous joint detection
of spatially separated properties of a single photon
in the two arms of an interferometer, Commun Phys 6, 203,
- Journal abstract/Open
Access PDF Noted in Actualités
du CNRS-Physique
- X. Gutierrez de la Cal
and A. Matzkin, Beyond the light-cone propagation of
relativistic wavefunctions: numerical results, Dynamics 3, 60, 2023.
- Journal abstract/Open
Access PDF
- J. Allam and A. Matzkin,
Effect of a moving mirror on the free fall of a
quantum particle in a homogeneous gravitational field, Quantum Rep. 5, 1,
- Journal
Abstract/Open Access PDF
- M. Alkhateeb and A.
Matzkin, Relativistic spin-0 particle in a box:
Bound states, wave packets, and the disappearance of
the Klein paradox, Am. J. Phys.90, 297, 2022.
- Journal
Abstract/PDF (Preprint)
- T. Durt, D. Fargue, A.
Matzkin and J. Robert, Theory of the Double Solution
and Quantum Trajectories, Journées
Louis de Broglie 2019, Ann. Fond. L. de Broglie
46, 1, 2021.
- Journal
Abstract/Open Access PDF
- M. Alkhateeb, X.
Gutierrez de la Cal, M. Pons, D. Sokolovski and A.
Matzkin, Relativistic time-dependent quantum
dynamics across supercritical barriers for
Klein-Gordon and Dirac particles, Phys. Rev. A 103, 042203, 2021.
- Journal
Abstract/Open Access PDF
- D. Sokolovski and A.
Matzkin, Wigner’s Friend Scenarios and the Internal
Consistency of Standard Quantum Mechanics, Entropy
23, 1186, 2021.
- Journal
Abstract/Open Access PDF
- M. Waegell and A.
Matzkin, Nonlocal Interferences Induced by the Phase
of the Wavefunction for a Particle in a Cavity with
Moving Boundaries, Quantum Rep. 2, 514, 2020.
- Journal
Abstract/Open Access PDF
- X. Gutiérrez de la Cal,
M. Alkhateeb, M. Pons, A. Matzkin and D. Sokolovski, Klein
paradox for bosons, wave packets and negative
tunnelling times, Sci. Rep. 10, 19225, 2020.
- Journal
Abstract/Open Access PDF
- A. Matzkin, S. V.
Mousavi, and M. Waegell, Nonlocality and local
causality in the Schrödinger Equation with
time-dependent boundary conditions, Phys. Lett. A
382, 3347, 2018.
- Journal
Abstract Abstract/PDF
(Preprint) PDF
A. Matzkin, The theory of the Double Solution:
Dynamical issues in quantum systems in the
semiclassical regime, Ann. Fond. L. de Broglie 42,
213, 2017.
- Journal
Abstract PDF
- S. Sponar, T.
Denkmayr, H. Geppert, H. Lemmel, A. Matzkin, J. Tollaksen
and Y. Hasegawa, Weak values obtained in
matter-wave interferometry. Phys. Rev. A 92, 062121,
- Journal
Abstract PDF A slightly different
earlier version of this paper was posted here: Abstract/PDF
- A. Matzkin, Weak
measurements of trajectories in quantum systems: classical,
Bohmian and sum over paths J. Phys. A 48 305301, 2015.
- Journal
Abstract PDF Abstract/PDF (Preprint) Selected as the Cover
Featured Article of Issue No 30 of J. Phys. A Vol. 48.
- M. Lombardi and A.
Matzkin, Reply to “Comment
on ‘Entanglement and chaos in the kicked top' ”,
Phys. Rev. E 92, 036902 2015.
- Résumé/Site
revue PDF
- Tobias Denkmayr, Hermann
Geppert, Stephan Sponar, Hartmut Lemmel, Alexandre Matzkin,
Jeff Tollaksen and Yuji Hasegawa, Observation of a quantum
Cheshire Cat in a matter-wave interferometer experiment, Nature
Communications 5, 4492, 2014.
- Journal
Abstract PDF
Noted in Actualités
- D. Home, A. S. Majumdar
and A. Matzkin, Effects of a transient barrier on
wavepacket traversal, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45
295301, 2012.
- Journal
Abstract PDF
- A. K. Pan and A.
Matzkin, Weak measurements as an instance of non-ideal
measurements, Las. Phys. 22, 1553, 2012.
- Journal
Abstract PDF
- A. Matzkin, Entanglement in the classical
limit: Quantum correlations from classical probabilities,
Phys. Rev. A 84, 022111, 2011.
- Résumé/Site
revue PDF
- M. Lombardi and A.
Matzkin, Entanglement and
chaos in the kicked top, Phys. Rev. E 83, 016207,
- Résumé/Site
revue PDF
- A. Matzkin, The Bohmian Model,
Semiclassical Systems and the Emergence of Classical
Trajectories in "Quantum Trajectories" (K.
Hughes and G. Parlant Eds, CCP6, Daresbury, 2011),
p. 63. Proceedings of the Quantum
Trajectories Workshop 2010.
- M. Lombardi and A.
Matzkin, Dynamical
entanglement as a signature of chaos in the semiclassical
limit, Las. Phys. 20, 1215, 2010
- Résumé/Site
revue PDF
- A. Matzkin, Bohmian mechanics and the
emergence of classicality, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 174,
012039, 2009.
- Résumé/Site
revue PDF
- A. Matzkin, Reply to “Comment on `Relevance
of Bell's theorem as a signature of nonlocality: Case of
classical angular momentum distributions' ”, Phys.
Rev. A 79, 046102, 2009.
- Résumé/Site
revue PDF
- A. Matzkin, Bohmian mechanics, the
quantum-classical correspondence and the classical limit:
the case of the square billiard, Found. Phys. 39, 903, 2009.
- Résumé/Site
revue. PDF A slightly different
version of this paper was posted on the arXiv server
- A. Matzkin, Is Bell's Theorem Relevant to
Quantum Mechanics? On Locality and Non-Commuting Observables, AIP
Conf Proc 1101, 339, 2009.
- Résumé/Site
revue PDF
- A. Matzkin and V. Nurock,
Classical and Bohmian
trajectories in semiclassical systems: Mismatch in
dynamics, mismatch in reality?, Studies in
Hist. and Philosophy of Science B, 39, 17-40,
- Journal
Abstract/PDF. PDF A slightly different
version of this paper was posted with the title Are
Bohmian trajectories real? On the dynamical mismatch
between de Broglie-Bohm and classical dynamics in
semiclassical systems, arXiv:quant-ph/0609172,
2006. Abstract/PDF (Preprint)
- A. Matzkin, Non-Hermitian
quantum mechanics: the case of bound-state scattering theory, Journal
Physics A: Math. Gen. 39 10859, 2006.
- Journal Abstract
Abstract/PDF (Preprint) PDF
- A. Matzkin, Time
evolution and non-Hermiticity in quantum defect theory, Journal
of Physics B 39, 3687, 2006.
- Journal Abstract PDF.
- M. Lombardi and A.
Matzkin, Scattering induced dynamical entanglement and the
quantum-classical correspondence, Europhysics Lett. 74,
771, 2006.
- Journal Abstract Abstract/PDF (Preprint)
- A. Matzkin and M.
Lombardi, Quantum and semiclassical phase functions for
the quantization of symmetric oscillators, J. Phys. A:
Math. Gen. 38, 6211, 2005.
- Abstract, PDF
- A. Matzkin, Rydberg
wavepackets in terms of hidden-variables: de Broglie–Bohm
trajectories, Phys. Lett. A 345, 31, 2005.
- Abstract, Abstract/PDF (Preprint)
- A. Matzkin, Exact
quantization of nonsolvable potentials: the role of the
quantum phase, Phys. Rev. A 72, 054102, 2005.
- Abstract
- M. Raoult, S. Guizard, D.
Gauyacq and A. Matzkin, Quadratic Zeeman effect in Rydberg
states of NO, J. Phys. B 38, S171, 2005.
- Journal Abstract, PDF
- A. Matzkin and T. S.
Monteiro, Diffraction and spectral statistics in systems
with a multilevel scatterer, Phys. Rev. E 70, 046215,
- Abstract, PDF
- A. Matzkin and T. S.
Monteiro, Spectral rigidity in scatterer-perturbed
systems: the case of nonhydrogenic atoms in fields,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, L225, 2004.
- Abstract, PDF
- A. Matzkin. Comment
on "Nonclassical Paths in the Recurrence Spectrum of
Diamagnetic Atoms", Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 269301,
- Abstract
- A. Matzkin, M. Raoult and
D. Gauyacq, Observation of diffractive orbits in the
spectrum of excited NO in a magnetic field. Phys. Rev. A
68, 061401(R), 2003.
- Abstract, PDF
- A. Matzkin, P. A. Dando
and T. S. Monteiro, Contribution of forbidden orbits in
the photoabsorption spectra of atoms and molecules in a
magnetic field, Phys. Rev. A 67, 2003.
- Abstract, PDF
- A. Matzkin and M.
Lombardi, Numerical construction of "optimal"
nonoscillating amplitude and phase functions, Phys. Rev.
E 66, 037702, 2002.
- A. Matzkin, P. A. Dando
and T. S. Monteiro, Closed-orbit theory for molecules in
fields, Phys. Rev. A 66, 013410, 2002.
- Abstract PDF
- A. Matzkin, Realism
and the wavefunction, Eur. J. Phys. 23, 285, 2002.
- Abstract
- D. Crampton, D. Schade,
F. Hammer, A. Matzkin, S.J. Lilly and O. Le Fevre, The
gravitational lens CFRS 03.1077, Astrophysical Journal
570, 86, 2002.
- A. Matzkin,
Non-oscillating solutions to uncoupled Ermakov systems and
the semi-classical limit, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34,
7833, 2001.
- Abstract PDF
- A. Matzkin and T.S.
Monteiro, Rydberg molecules in external fields: A
semiclassical analysis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 143002,
- Abstract PDF.
- S.C. Ross, Ch. Jungen and
A. Matzkin, Multichannel quantum defect theory treatment
of triplet gerade and ungerade d-symmetry levels of H2 and
its isotopomers, Canadian Journal of Physics 79, 561,
- A. Matzkin, Smooth
amplitude-phase formulation of the Schrodinger equation
based on the Ermakov invariant, Physical Review A 63,
012103, 2000.
- A. Matzkin, Ch. Jungen
and S.C. Ross, Multichannel-quantum-defect-theory
treatment of preionized and predissociated triplet gerade
levels of H2, Phys. Rev. A 62, 062511, 2000.
Abstract PDF
- A. Matzkin,
Standing-wave rearrangement scattering formalism for
multi-arrangement quantum defect theory, Phys. Rev. A
59, 2043, 1999.
- Abstract
- A. Matzkin, Ch.
Jungen and S. C. Ross, Extended Coulomb approximation for
MQDT computations of dipole moments: Method of calculation
and application to H2 , Physical Review A 58, 4462